
Queer Exile Berlin

Tyskland – 2023


Queers from all corners of the world have made Berlin what it is today, and the city is constantly evolving. Many go there willingly, others because they have to.

In Queer Exile Berlin we meet some of them: Portuguese Eunice found love in Berlin and works in a nightclub while she begins her transition process. Haidar fled Syria and now works as dancer and performance artist “The Darvish”, while Haitian artist Jean-Ulrick grew up in New York and moved to Berlin in the early 2000s.
Armenian Mischa has explored body and sexuality as a performance artist, and is now active in political movements. Berlin's legendary drag queen Gloria Viagra arrived in the city as a six-year-old, grew up in a political environment and at seven she was part of Berlin's first gay rights' march.
In nearby Szczecin in Poland, Monika fights for queer people's basic human rights. She longs for Berlin, but can't leave the young queers in her homeland behind.

Jochen Hick's (Out in East Berlin (2013), My Wonderful West Berlin (2017)) final film in his Berlin trilogy intertwines queer people's stories and aspirations with Berlin's historical events and the city as it is today.

Director Jochen Hick in attendance.


Presented with support from Goethe-Institut Norwegen


  • Director

    Jochen Hick

  • Cast

    Eunice Franco
    Haidar Darwish
    Monika Tichy
    Mischa Badasyan
    Jean-Ulrick Désert
    Gloria Viagra

  • Duration

    102 min.

  • Language

    English, German, Polish

  • Subtitles




  • Cinemateket Lillebil
    Saturday 09.28.2024 @ 6:00p.m.